The more you know about your oral health, the more information you have to improve your smile, the way you communicate, and your overall health. Below are 13 unusual dental facts that will help you begin your journey to a happier, healthier mouth.
1. Mothers can expose children to harmful bacteria in the mouth. Your mother likely passed it on to you by feeding your from her mouth or blowing on your food to cool it. You can prevent the spread of bacteria with your child by being cautious and avoiding food contamination when you feed them.
2. After being sick, you should throw your toothbrush away. The germs from your cold or virus remain on your toothbrush, which prevents you from effectively cleaning your mouth.
3. Piercings may negatively affect your oral health. A piercing may cause you to develop a drooling problem, damage your sense of taste or cause blood poisoning. If you are determined to get a piercing, you can reduce the chances developing any of these conditions by employing the services of a professional.
4. Children smile an average of 400 times each day. Women tend to smile about 62 times each day. Getting a man to smile is more difficult — the average man smiles only 8 times a day.
5. You are born with teeth, they simply haven’t erupted from your gums. Once a child begins to erupt their teeth, parents should properly maintain them. The habit of maintaining their smile will become natural to them, allowing parents to help their children form healthy oral care habits.
6. The amount of bacteria you produce in your lifetime could fill two swimming pools. Your saliva is important to your overall health. It helps you digest your food and fight bad bacteria that threaten your teeth and gums.
7. You can keep a tooth alive by using milk. Since your teeth are made of calcium, if your tooth is knocked out, placing it in milk and putting it back in your mouth will help it survive.
8. Straighter teeth reduce the tendency to have headaches. Teeth that are not straight irritate the mouth and gums and cause your jaws to be under pressure. All of these problems are reduced by having straight teeth.
9. Cleaning your tongue with a scraper is good for your health. It can help prevent pneumonia, heart attacks, diabetes, infertility in men and premature births.
10. When you kiss, you can potentially transfer 256 colonies of bacteria to your partner and vice versa. To reduce this, make sure both you and your partner practice great oral hygiene each day, including scraping your tongue to remove the bacteria covering it.
11. The strongest and most often used muscle in your body is your tongue.
12. Sugar-free gum keeps your smile healthy. Sugar-free gum helps you improve your smile by washing away plaque acid in your mouth.
13. Ninety percent of all life-threatening illnesses have an oral symptom. The condition of your mouth helps you determine whether you are healthy or not.
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